
Adolescent Therapy

  • Teenage Years

    Adolescence is a time of significant transition, bringing with it creativity, heightened emotions and turbulent feelings. Profound and rapid changes physically, cognitively, neurobiologically and socially are taking place and whilst this period of life can be exhilarating and enriching, it can also stir up feelings of confusion, frustration, loneliness, anger, sadness, shame and anxiety.

  • How can therapy help?

    For many young people, it can feel increasingly hard to confide in friends and family. Being able to talk to someone independently, safely and confidentially can allow them to explore difficult and complex thoughts, feelings and emotions as they find their identity and navigate the path to adulthood.

  • What can therapy help with?

    Research shows that psychotherapy can be particularly effective in working with young people with depression, low mood, anxiety or behaviour disorders. It can often be helpful when things have been difficult for a while or it is hard to make sense of what is going on, with a view to making change that can be sustained in the long term.

  • How long does therapy last for?

    For some young people a few sessions will be all that is needed, but for others the work may be longer. For most adolescents it is natural to feel hesitant or uncertain about longer term work so an initial six sessions and then a review is usually a helpful starting point.